7th Grade Trivia Jeopardy

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to an exhilarating 7th grade trivia jeopardy challenge! The 7th grade is a pivotal stage in your educational journey, where you delve deeper into a wide range of subjects, refine your critical thinking skills, and broaden your intellectual horizons.
In this article, we present a thrilling collection of 30 trivia questions and answers tailored specifically for brilliant 7th graders like you.
Each question is boldly highlighted, enticing you to unleash your intellect and conquer the quest for knowledge. So, brace yourself for an epic adventure and let the 7th-grade trivia jeopardy commence!
For more quizzes, see our trivia quiz sitemap.
7th Grade Trivia Jeopardy Questions and Answers
- What is the capital of the United States of America? Answer: Washington, D.C.
- How many planets are there in our solar system? Answer: Eight.
- What is the opposite of submerge? Answer: Surface.
- Who wrote the famous play "Romeo and Juliet"? Answer: William Shakespeare.
- What is the largest continent on Earth? Answer: Asia.
- What is the highest mountain in the world? Answer: Mount Everest.
- Which gas makes up the majority of the Earth's atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen.
- What is the opposite of transparent? Answer: Opaque.
- What is the capital of Australia? Answer: Canberra.
- How many players are there on a basketball team? Answer: Five.
- Who painted the famous artwork "The Last Supper"? Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.
- What color is obtained by mixing blue and red? Answer: Purple.
- Which season comes after spring? Answer: Summer.
- What is the name of the largest desert in the world? Answer: Sahara Desert.
- What sound does a trumpet make? Answer: A brass instrument sound.
- What is the name of the largest ocean on Earth? Answer: Pacific Ocean.
- How many sides does a hexagon have? Answer: Six.
- What is the capital of China? Answer: Beijing.
- Which month is known for Thanksgiving in the United States? Answer: November.
- What do we call a person who studies the Earth's rocks, minerals, and landscapes? Answer: Geologist.
- Who is the author of the "Harry Potter" book series? Answer: J.K. Rowling.
- What shape is a yield sign? Answer: Triangle.
- What is the opposite of shallow? Answer: Deep.
- What is the name of the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea? Answer: Sicily.
- What is the result of multiplying 13 by 4? Answer: Fifty-two.
- What animal is known for its ability to camouflage? Answer: Chameleon.
- What is the primary color obtained by mixing yellow and blue? Answer: Green.
- What is the name of the superhero with a hammer called Mjolnir? Answer: Thor.
- How many sides does a heptagon have? Answer: Seven.
- Who is credited with developing the theory of relativity? Answer: Albert Einstein.
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