Funny Exercise Trivia

Welcome to Funny Exercise Trivia! Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but it doesn't always have to be serious and boring. In fact, there are plenty of funny and quirky exercises out there that can make you laugh while you sweat.

Join us for Funny Exercise Trivia and discover some of the most hilarious and unusual ways people are staying fit and active. Get ready to laugh and learn!

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Funny Exercise Trivia Questions

1. What do you call an alligator in a vest

2. What did the grape say when it got stepped on

3. What do you call an athlete who is afraid of taking a bath

4. Why did the tomato turn red

5. What do you call a lazy kangaroo

6. Why did the bicycle fall over

7. What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet

8. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?

9. What do you call a fish that lifts weights

10. Why did the runner stop listening to music during his workout

11. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive workout routine

12. Why did the yoga instructor go to jail

13. How do you get a beach body

14. What do you call a fake noodle

15. Why did the football team go to the bank

16. What do you call a gym for dogs

17. Why do bicycles fall over

18. What do you call a fast train full of exercise equipment

19. Why did the basketball team hire a team of painters

20. What is the least spoken language in the world

21. What do you call a lazy person who exercises

22. What do you call a group of fit cats

23. What did the dumbbell say to the barbell

24. What do you call a person who's always on a diet

25. Why did the bodybuilder break up with his girlfriend

26. What do you call a dinosaur that does squats

27. What do you call a personal trainer who's always on time

28. Why did the weightlifter take his scale to the gym

29. What do you call an exercise program for cows

30. Why did the runner stop jogging

Funny Exercise Trivia Answers

  1. An investigator
  2. Nothing, it just let out a little wine
  3. A soap-a-phobe
  4. Because it saw the salad dressing
  5. A pouch potato
  6. Because it was two-tired
  7. Supplies
  8. In case he got a hole in one.
  9. A muscle fish
  10. He was jogging his memory
  11. Fit-tyrannosaurus
  12. For posing a threat.
  13. You take your body to the beach
  14. An impasta
  15. To get their quarterback
  16. A bark-alon
  17. Because they're two-tired
  18. A fitness express
  19. To help them get a better shot
  20. Sign language at a marathon
  21. A contradiction
  22. Aerobicats
  23. Do you even lift, bro
  24. Salad addict
  25. She was too weak for him
  26. A legasaurus
  27. Punctual trainer
  28. To weigh his options
  29. Beef-it-up
  30. He was knee-deep in thought

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I am Nick, one of the co-founder and admin of Trivia Plane, a fun website dedicated to trivia quizzes and getting to know you questions. With a lifelong passion for learning new things and connecting with others, we created Trivia Plane in 2023 as a place for people to challenge their knowledge, discover fascinating facts, and bond over lighthearted questions. As the admin, I am committed to making Trivia Plane a positive, welcoming, and entertaining space for trivia buffs and anyone looking to take a break from the seriousness of life with some friendly competition.

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