October Trivia

Get ready for some October trivia! October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, and it's a time of changing seasons, colorful foliage, and various celebrations.

From popular traditions to historical events, October holds significance in different cultures and fields.

Whether you're a fan of autumn or just enjoy learning interesting facts, these trivia questions will put your October knowledge to the test.

So grab a pumpkin spice latte and let's dive into some fascinating October trivia!

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October Trivia Questions and Answers

1. What is the birthstone of October?
Answer: Opal

2. In what year did the stock market crash that led to the Great Depression occur?
Answer: 1929

3. What holiday is celebrated on the second Monday of October in the United States?
Answer: Columbus Day

4. On October 5th, 1962, which iconic British spy film had its first theatrical release?
Answer: "Dr. No" (The first James Bond film featuring Sean Connery as Agent 007.)

5. In which country is the annual Oktoberfest beer festival held?
Answer: Germany

6. What is the zodiac sign for someone born in October?
Answer: Libra

7. In which year did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur in October?
Answer: 1962

8. What famous ship sank on its maiden voyage in October 1912?
Answer: Titanic

9. Which famous artist painted "Starry Night," which was completed in October 1889?
Answer: Vincent van Gogh

10. What is the national animal of Canada, where Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October?
Answer: Beaver

11. Which famous American playwright and author, known for his works such as "The Glass Menagerie" and "A Streetcar Named Desire," was born on October 5th, 1911?
Answer: Tennessee Williams (His birth name was Thomas Lanier Williams III.)

12. Which famous American comedian and actor was born on October 5th, 1951?
Answer: Bob Geldof (An Irish singer-songwriter, author, and political activist.)

13. Which famous American explorer discovered Hawaii in October 1778?
Answer: Captain James Cook

14. In which year did the United States celebrate its bicentennial in October?
Answer: 1976

15. Which famous author was born on October 7, 1952, and wrote "The Da Vinci Code"?
Answer: Dan Brown

16. What significant event occurred on October 5th, 2011, in the technology industry?
Answer: The passing away of Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs.

17. In what year did the Space Shuttle Challenger explode during launch in October?
Answer: 1986

18. What is the name of the Canadian holiday that falls on the second Monday of October?
Answer: Thanksgiving

19. In what year did the famous Chicago Fire occur in October?
Answer: 1871

20. Which famous scientist was born on October 4, 1822, and formulated the laws of classical physics?
Answer: James Clerk Maxwell

21. In which year did the world's first satellite, Sputnik 1, launch in October?
Answer: 1957

22. What is the name of the national park in Utah famous for its colorful rock formations that was established in October 1971?
Answer: Bryce Canyon National Park

23. In what year did the famous Battle of Trafalgar take place in October?
Answer: 1805

24. Which famous comedian and actor was born on October 23, 1956, and starred in movies such as "Trading Places" and "Beverly Hills Cop"?
Answer: Eddie Murphy

25. What is the name of the famous Halloween parade held in New York City every October?
Answer: Village Halloween Parade

26. In which year did the United Nations officially come into existence in October?
Answer: 1945

27. What is the name of the famous rock formation in Arizona that was officially designated a national monument in October 1906?
Answer: Monument Valley

28. Which gemstone is the birthstone for October?
Answer: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

29. On October 5th, 1989, which American college athlete broke the world record for the men's long jump?
Answer: Mike Powell (He broke the previous record held by Bob Beamon, which had stood for over 20 years.)

30. Which famous musician known as "The Boss" was born on October 23, 1949?
Answer: Mickey Mouse

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I am Nick, one of the co-founder and admin of Trivia Plane, a fun website dedicated to trivia quizzes and getting to know you questions. With a lifelong passion for learning new things and connecting with others, we created Trivia Plane in 2023 as a place for people to challenge their knowledge, discover fascinating facts, and bond over lighthearted questions. As the admin, I am committed to making Trivia Plane a positive, welcoming, and entertaining space for trivia buffs and anyone looking to take a break from the seriousness of life with some friendly competition.

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