Titanic Movie Trivia

The Titanic movie, directed by James Cameron, is a cinematic masterpiece that tells the tragic story of the RMS Titanic's ill-fated maiden voyage. Released in 1997, the film captured the hearts and minds of audiences worldwide, combining historical accuracy with captivating storytelling and ground-breaking visual effects.
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Titanic Movie Trivia Questions
- What year was the Titanic movie released?
- Who played the lead roles of Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater?
- What is the fictional name of the diamond featured in the movie?
- What is the name of the ship that rescues the survivors?
- Who famously says, "I'm the king of the world!" in the movie?
- What is the running time of the Titanic movie?
- Which character was based on a real person who survived the Titanic disaster?
- What was the budget for making the Titanic movie?
- What song does Jack teach Rose to dance to in the third-class party?
- What is the last line spoken by Rose in the movie?
- How many Academy Awards did the Titanic movie win?
- Who composed the score for the Titanic movie?
- Which historical figure makes a cameo appearance in the film?
- What is the name of the elderly Rose's granddaughter?
- In which ocean did the real Titanic sink?
- What is the significance of the necklace worn by Rose?
- Who portrays the captain of the Titanic?
- What is the name of the ship that collided with the iceberg?
- Which actor improvised the line, "I'm the king of the world!"?
- How many passengers were aboard the Titanic?
- Which character famously declares, "I'll never let go"?
- What is the first and last name of Rose's fiancé in the movie?
- What is the name of the artist who painted Rose?
- Who played the character of Cal Hockley, Rose's fiancé?
- How many years passed between the sinking of the Titanic and the discovery of the wreck?
- What is the name of the ship that discovered the Titanic wreck?
- Who said, "You jump, I jump, remember?" in the movie?
- What is the name of the officer who spots the iceberg too late?
- Which character sacrifices himself to save Rose?
- What is the last thing Jack says to Rose before he dies?
- Who designed the famous "Heart of the Ocean" necklace?
- What was the original intended destination of the Titanic?
- Which actress auditioned for the role of Rose but didn't get it?
- What is the name of the wealthy man who owns the ship?
- How many years in the making was the Titanic movie?
- What is the name of the elderly couple holding each other in bed as the ship sinks?
- What is the name of the woman who claims to be the last survivor of the Titanic?
- Which character warns, "Iceberg, right ahead!"?
- What is the name of the ship's designer who is criticized for making the ship unsinkable?
- Who plays the character of Molly Brown, a wealthy socialite?
- What is the name of the ship's lookout who spots the iceberg?
- Which character was portrayed as a villain in the movie?
- What was the age difference between Jack and Rose in the movie?
- Which actor played the role of Thomas Andrews, the ship's designer?
- What is the name of the fictional town where Jack is from?
- Who delivers the famous line, "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight"?
- What is the fate of Jack's friend Fabrizio?
- Who portrays the ship's owner, J. Bruce Ismay?
- What is the name of the iceberg that the Titanic struck?
- Which character is depicted as Rose's abusive fiancé?
- What is the last thing Jack says to Rose in the water?
- Who played the character of Captain Smith?
- What is the name of the steward who finds Jack and Rose in a car?
- Which character dies by falling from the stern of the ship?
- What is the first and last name of the fictionalized elderly Rose?
- What is the name of the artifact recovery company featured in the movie?
- Who directed the Titanic movie?
- What is the name of the band that played as the Titanic sank?
- What is the name of the fictionalized treasure hunter who seeks the Heart of the Ocean?
- What is the name of the actress who plays the elderly Rose?
Titanic Movie Trivia Answers
- 1997
- Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet
- Heart of the Ocean
- Carpathia
- Jack Dawson
- 195 minutes
- Margaret Brown (Molly Brown)
- $200 million
- "Come Josephine, in My Flying Machine"
- "It's been 84 years…"
- Eleven
- James Horner
- Molly Brown
- Lizzy Calvert
- North Atlantic Ocean
- It signifies Rose's freedom and identity
- Bernard Hill
- SS Californian
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Approximately 2,224
- Rose DeWitt Bukater
- Cal Hockley
- Jack Dawson
- Billy Zane
- 73 years
- R.M.S. Keldysh
- Jack Dawson
- First Officer William Murdoch
- Jack Dawson
- "You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on and you're gonna make babies, and you're gonna watch them grow, and you're gonna die an old lady warm in her bed."
- Asprey & Garrard
- New York
- Gwyneth Paltrow
- J. Bruce Ismay
- Four years
- Isidor and Ida Straus
- Millvina Dean
- Frederick Fleet
- Thomas Andrews
- Kathy Bates
- Frederick Fleet
- Cal Hockley
- Around 7 years
- Victor Garber
- Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
- Jack Dawson
- He drowns in the water
- Jonathan Hyde
- The iceberg is not named
- Cal Hockley
- "I'll never let go, Jack."
- Bernard Hill
- Annie
- Spicer Lovejoy
- Rose Dawson Calvert
- RMS Titanic, Inc.
- James Cameron
- Wallace Hartley and his band
- Brock Lovett
- Gloria Stuart
The Titanic movie remains an enduring cinematic achievement, blending historical events with compelling storytelling and unforgettable performances. Its impact on popular culture is profound, reminding us of the human stories behind tragic events. Whether it's the romance between Jack and Rose, the majestic portrayal of the doomed ship, or the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, Titanic continues to captivate audiences worldwide, ensuring its place in cinematic history.
For more information on the Titanic movie, visit its Wikipedia page.
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